H9 Mac software crashes UAD Luna DAW and Console.

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    • #164218

      If I open the h9 software (which by the way looks horrible, you can’t even see the full names and can’t resize?!?). It crashes my UAD Console and Luna.  I’m assuming it’s something with the USB?  Literally happens every single time.

    • #164221
      Eventide Staff

      What do you mean by “can’t see the full name”? The window should be resizable. If you are referring to the preset names, there are a few preset column view options for you to see their full names.

      As for the crash, I don’t think it is H9 Control’s fault. It could be that UAD is not happy when H9 Control talks to H9 via MIDI over USB. Have you tried Bluetooth connection for H9 Control?

    • #164223

      Well I mean I want to see the categories AND the name of the preset, so if you drag the window bigger it just creates empty space and doesn’t elongate the names…it’s horrible.  Like from the early 2000’s or something. If I launch Luna it doesn’t crash h9, if I launch h9 it crashes Luna.   Sooo if I have to pick between the two h9 and therefore the pedal is going.  I would HOPE I could run pedal software without crashing my daw?  Too much?  Are we not there yet?  🙂

    • #164240

      Sooo sell the pedal so I can record I guess?   Sounds good.

    • #164241
      Eventide Staff


      Sorry for your issue, but I am not able to reproduce this. I can use Console, Luna, and H9 Control with an H9 connected via USB without any issues or programs crashing. I have Console open most of the time whenever I am using my computer and have never had it crash when using H9 Control.

      Does the crash happen if your H9 is not connected via USB when you open Luna? Can you try connecting the H9 to your computer with Bluetooth instead and seeing if that fixes the issue?

      I’m using Big Sur 11.6 and Luna


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