H9 Max and Barn3 ox9 need help!!!

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9 Max and Barn3 ox9 need help!!!

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    • #165927

      Cant figure out the routing for the Ox9 to allow me to scrool using the ox9 amd have the buttons on the H9 to be the standard factory setting on/off on the left tap tempo on the right.

      Currently I can use the left button the the OX9 to scroll preset down, the right button to scrool preset up.

      On the H9 the left button is standard function to turn on/off the effect, the right button  just scrools preset up. Same as the right button on the ox9

      What do Ineed to do to get the tap tempo function in the normal position (right switch on the H9) and have preset scrooling on the ox9?

    • #165928
      Eventide Staff

      Hold down the right footswitch on the H9 for two seconds. That changes the H9 from preset search mode to tap tempo on the right side.

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