H90 control for Linux using snap

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    • #167807
      El Phaco

      Hi Eventide,

      I know we Linux users are a minority and I understand what a mess it is for developers with the bunch of distros available… But now with the snap format there’s a way to develop one package which will work with basically any Linux distro. So can I dream about a future H90 control for Linux ??? I can wait for the Android version to use the app, but I’m not sure you can upgrade the firmware using a tablet.

      At least, is the app compatible with older versions of Windows like 7 ? I don’t want to buy a Win10 or 11 license just to upgrade my H90’s firmware…

      Thanks to take time to answer me, I loved the H9 but the H90 is just another level and I want to be able to use every feature of mine.

    • #167810

      Windows 10+ or macOS 10.11+

    • #167811
      El Phaco

      Yeah, I know the official requirements, but sometimes you have software which are ok with older OS.

    • #171724
      El Phaco

      For the few linux users here, the H90 Control works perfectly for editing using wine (6.03 here) in 64bits. Only drawback is you still need a Windows or a Mac for firmware updates, but you can use a eval version of W11 under Virtual Box to do them. Very happy to have solved that !

    • #182173

      I had followed the instructions from your post when I first purchased the H90 and all seemed to work fine.  I had put things away for a while and recently went back to that setup.  However, with the last several H90 updates and wine version 9.3-1, I cannot run on wine without the H90 software core dumping.  I am running on a Manjaro distro.

      Are you still able to run against wine ?

    • #182203

      I was able to get a little closer.  I installed the latest dotnet libraries as well as DXVK so I could get Vulcan graphics support.  This allowed me to get the graphics to work correctly again,  It is still crashing, so I need to go through the crash dump a bit more carefully.  I am wondering f it is a dotnet issue at this point.

    • #182221
      El Phaco

      I can still run it with no major issue. Got some minor graphic glitches sometimes, but it works. I’ve installed some package with winetricks prior to install H90 control (some might have been preinstalled, bit I don’t remember which, so I give you all from a screen save): d3dcompiler_43, d3dx11_43, d3dx9, d9vk040.

      Note that I’ve never managed to install firmware updates this way. If you have a copy somewhere, it’s way easier to run it through a Windows launched in Virtual Box.

    • #182304

      Thank you for the package list!  I will give them a try.

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