H8000 Firewire Woes

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    • #168506
      Mad Mike

      Last November I sent my H8000 FW  in for a refurb; bought a 2012 MacBook Pro a few weeks ago; and still can’t get them to work together. I love the sound of my H8000FW which started life as an Orville and see no sense in upgrading again. Any help would be most appreciated.


    • #168517
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry to hear you are having issues. Please contact support@eventide.com and provide some more specific details about what you have tried and what you are having issues with.

    • #168519
      Mad Mike

      Why should I bother support? The H8000 is no longer supported nor is any computer that runs firewire. The solution may be to boot into Windows with Bootcamp.

      • #168522


        I use my H8000FW to record almost every day, thru FireWire. The input analog preamp and converters sound SO great that people can’t believe their ears. I work with older Macs and with a Win10 PC I assembled 2 years ago, adding a PCI FWire board to it. All works fine. I’m not sure about new Macs as I don’t like Apple current policy about their hardware but if you can’t make yours work, just get an older iMac or Mac Mini and you’ll be fine. Use it for audio only. Or get/build a PC with Win10 and add a FW board to it. Mine has AMD Ryzen CPU and needs a bit of tweaking for FireWire use. I suggest Intel CPU for better audio work compatibility.

        FireWire is a great protocol! Can’t believe the world is back to ugly USB 2.0…

    • #168520
      Eventide Staff

      The H8000 is no longer supported, but our head of support may be able to help with your issue. Another H8000 user may be able to help as well, but with the information you have provided it is not likely that anyone can help.

      It would be useful to know what OS the computer is running, what you have tried, and at what steps you are having issues. The only information you have provided so far is the two pieces of equipment you are using.

    • #168540
      Mad Mike

      Thanks all. I finally got Dice to find my H8000 with WinDOZE before jumping off the generational cliff out of frustration. Can a dog hear the difference between 32 bit 192 Hz and 24 bit 192 Hz much less a 67 year old lesbian trapped in a man’s body?  Women do not to lose their high frequency audition as much as men do, but the doctor keeps telling me to stop mainlining Estrogen.

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