Saving a Preset & Reverb Freeze option

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    • #169137

      I must not be doing something right. I take a program and alter it. If I save it, the original is lost. And so, I export the two patches. Go into USER 2 and select a location… import the two presets, then save it. Same thing… original preset/program disappears.

      Is there any way to keep all the factory presets and save your own stuff?

      FYI: The H90 is not that user friendly, even with the manual. As another example, I want a ‘freeze’ option for a reverb, but it doesn’t give it to me. Are footswitch functions limited to the type of preset, e.g., I can’t apply a freeze to SP2016 Reverb, for instance? If I can, I sure would like to know how!!!

    • #169138
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry, it’s not quite clear what is happening.

      The Factory Programs/Presets cannot be overwritten. If you save a different Program over User 1 > Program 1, you are not erasing that Program, you are saving a new Program to that slot. You can always find the Factory Programs by browsing the Program Library, select the Factory 1 List, and you can find that first Program there.

      By default, the User 2 list is full of INIT (blank) Programs. If you select a Program slot and import two presets, then save the Program, you should now be able to reload that exact Program. There are no original Presets/Programs on the User 2 list, they are all blank Program slots.

      The Freeze parameters of a Reverb are not Performance Parameters that can be assigned to a footswitch, you must adjust the Reverb’s decay knob to access the Freeze or Infinite settings. You can map the Decay knob to a HotSwitch, and then assign the HotSwitch to a footswitch to accomplish the same thing.

      SP2016 Reverb does not have a freeze or infinite decay parameter, but all of the Space reverbs do.

      Let me know if you have any other questions.


    • #169160

      Sorry, it’s not quite clear what is happening. The Factory Programs/Presets cannot be overwritten. If you save a different Program over User 1 > Program 1, you are not erasing that Program, you are saving a new Program to that slot. You can always find the Factory Programs by browsing the Program Library, select the Factory 1 List, and you can find that first Program there. By default, the User 2 list is full of INIT (blank) Programs. If you select a Program slot and import two presets, then save the Program, you should now be able to reload that exact Program. There are no original Presets/Programs on the User 2 list, they are all blank Program slots. The Freeze parameters of a Reverb are not Performance Parameters that can be assigned to a footswitch, you must adjust the Reverb’s decay knob to access the Freeze or Infinite settings. You can map the Decay knob to a HotSwitch, and then assign the HotSwitch to a footswitch to accomplish the same thing. SP2016 Reverb does not have a freeze or infinite decay parameter, but all of the Space reverbs do. Let me know if you have any other questions.

      Why is it that I altered the SP2016 clean ambient… saved it (with a different delay), but now my clean ambient under Factory is no longer there to choose? I even did a Factory Reset and it’s no longer there. But I can find my altered version in the User 1 set?


      • #169161

        Unless Clean Ambient is NOT a factory preset and it’s a preset under User 1. If that’s the case, then I get it and did not see this correctly.

    • #169170
      Eventide Staff

      Clean Ambient is a Factory Program. All of the Programs on the User 1 Lists are Factory Programs, the User 1 List is simply a copy of the Factory 1 List.

      If you save over the Clean Ambient Program, go to the Programs view in H90 Control and type in “Clean Ambient”. You should see an instance of Clean Ambient on the User 1 Lists (the new Program you just saved) along with an instance of Clean Ambient on the Factory 1 List, and the Ambient List. The padlock icon indicates that these are Factory Programs.

      If you set the List filter to “Factory 1” and search for Clean Ambient, you will always find the original Program there.

      • #169189

        Where is the Ambient Clean?  I have it in User 1 (I changed it and saved it), but when I click on programs… then factory 1… it’s not there:


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      • #169194
        Eventide Staff

        It looks like the issue is that you have “Hide Duplicates” checked, and this isn’t working properly with a List filter. If you uncheck that box, you should see the Clean Ambient Program.

      • #169196

        Tuh-duh!  That’s a bit odd, since I’m looking at a different list and ‘duplicates’ shouldn’t remove something from one list (Factory) if there’s something completely different in a different list (User 1). But, OK… now I know. Thanks.


      • #169197
        Eventide Staff

        Yea that behavior isn’t correct and we’re looking into a fix for that, thanks for reporting this. Glad to hear you have it working now, let me know if I can help with anything else.

    • #169198

      … The Freeze parameters of a Reverb are not Performance Parameters that can be assigned to a footswitch, you must adjust the Reverb’s decay knob to access the Freeze or Infinite settings. You can map the Decay knob to a HotSwitch, and then assign the HotSwitch to a footswitch to accomplish the same thing. SP2016 Reverb does not have a freeze or infinite decay parameter, but all of the Space reverbs do …

      As a sidebar to the original answer, there is a metric ton of cool results you can get with the original Space / H9 reverb FREEZE & INFINITE options.  Each one brings a unique flavor to the sound [wish I could find the Space version 4.0.0[ 6 ] release notes].  Even the Resonator algorithm features them.  I must’ve written several short novels here about all of the variations.

      One interesting thing I’ve found in the H90:  FREEZE Performance Parameters, like those found in Prism Shift & Polyphony, can remain latched on, yet interact & can change with some other parameter adjustments.  FREEZE there is not mutually exclusive with latched HS1, HS2, HS2 parameter switching (like the HotSwitches are with each other).

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