Suggestion: Perf mode show preset names

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Suggestion: Perf mode show preset names

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    • #169604

      In Performance Mode, currently nothing indicates which two presets make up the Program.  It would be really helpful if the Preset names were shown.  Performance Parameters include choices for “Bypass” and “Active;” these would be more helpful if they showed the name of the presets and used text/background colors to indicate bypass state (i.e. black type on a white background for Active and dimmer white or gray on a black background for Bypass.)

      Would also be great to be able to configure footwswitches in Select Mode – I’d rather they be configurable to Bypass individual Presets, as opposed to cycling through Programs.

      Love the sounds in this box!




    • #169606
      Eventide Staff

      Glad to hear you are enjoying the pedal!

      I’ll forward your Perform mode requests to the developers.

      I don’t believe that we’d be able to change Select mode to allow for custom footswitch mappings. That goes against the general architecture of the pedal: Select Mode is for selecting Presets with the footswitches, Perform Mode is for custom footswitch mappings.

      I’d suggest a MIDI controller or 3-button aux switch to control your active/bypass states. Then you’ll be able to use Select Mode and still see which presets your are using, while also using your custom footswitch assignments on an external controller.

    • #169784

      In Performance Mode, currently nothing indicates which two presets make up the Program. It would be really helpful if the Preset names were shown. Performance Parameters include choices for “Bypass” and “Active;” these would be more helpful if they showed the name of the presets and used text/background colors to indicate bypass state (i.e. black type on a white background for Active and dimmer white or gray on a black background for Bypass.)

      This would be a great feature, whether preset name (ideally) or algorithm name. Even truncated would be helpful.

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