April 2023….update on fan control?

Home Forums Products Rackmount April 2023….update on fan control?

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    • #170086

      The ability to control fan speeds was something mentioned long ago as a work in progress.  Any updates?

      My studio is small…and currently the ONLY device I own which produces fan noise is the H9000.

      I would love to be able to track mic’d instruments / vocals through the device, or at least use it for effects sends while tracking….but I just cannot do it with that fan running.

      Any progress?

      If this has already been addressed, and I missed the update…please forgive my inquiry.

    • #170182

      Still the same. Im migrating my H9000’s to a small cabinet under my rack with doors to stop the noise from being heard.

    • #170258

      Feels like the H9000 is a dead product to me. Eventide is apparently spending all their resources on the H90 and software products. It’s really a shame, I had high hopes that there would be regular updates and improvements to this very expensive “flagship” product.

    • #170311

      I keep waiting and hoping, but the reality for my use case is I may have to let my H9000 migrate to another home if this is never going to be addressed.

      Not what I want, but I just cannot justify having it sit mostly unused simply because I don’t have a machine room.

    • #170392
      Eventide Staff

      There’s an H9000 update in the works at the moment – it’s most definitely not a dead product.  I can’t promise fan speed control in this release, but we’ll see what we can do.

    • #170577

      Looking forward to the update. really loving this box. emote is huge for me

    • #171283
      reese justice

      This unit is absolutely incredible, just running it in stereo and being able to use 4 algorithms is beyond anything which came before it. I own eclipse , DSP 7000 and H3000 DSE. each unit has its own sound. I really think you can get absolutely close to the predecessors of this unit if you desire that . Cant wait for the updates of course but if they never updated this unit I could work with it for years. Way to go eventide for creating this dedicated hardware unit!

    • #171751
      Eventide Staff

      You can find the latest public beta release that includes a setting to reduce the fan speed here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/forums/topic/public-beta-release-h9000-fw-2-1-10-emote-2-1-2/

    • #181228

      You can find the latest public beta release that includes a setting to reduce the fan speed here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/forums/topic/public-beta-release-h9000-fw-2-1-10-emote-2-1-2/ geometry dash world

      I have downloaded the new version successfully. Many thanks!

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