H9000r w/ Emote worth it?

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    • #171914

      Greetings.  Longtime eventide user of the eclipse, Factor pedals, H9 and now H90.


      Im debating selling some rack units (my MPX1 and some delays) and picking up an H9000r.  For the price and using Emote it seems great.  Im looking to use it in the studio as well as live as my FX processor in full.


      Is the emote simply and reliable to edit programs?  Im a little apprehensive forfeiting the front panel of the H9000 to save 2k if emote gives me nothing but trouble.


      Is it only accessible via emote with an ethernet or wireless router?  Can I use a USB-b to C cable for my M1 Mac?


      Thanks for all the insight

    • #171923
      Eventide Staff

      Emote can only connect via a network connect (Wi-Fi or Ethernet) or a direct ethernet connection from the H9000 to the computer.

      I’ll let some other users chime in, but there are many users who exclusively use Emote to control their units without issues.

    • #171932

      I have the front panel model and for production, I never use the front panel.  It’s 100% Emote. Emote is better and easier than the front panel.

      I have used the front panel a little with development of new algorithms via VSIG to help me diagnose bugs or crashes, but I’m on the cutting edge somewhat. The only thing that I need the front panel for at the moment is to export custom algorithms to the USB stick.

      The only other scenario I could foresee the front panel having utility is at a gig if I need to change FX on the fly and don’t have space for a laptop.

    • #171946

      I upgraded to an H9000R from a DSP7000. I have never missed the front panel. Emote works great for me. Also, it also makes MIDI assignments to specific parameters a breeze.

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