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It depends on what configuration you are seeking.  If you want separate delays for the left and right inputs, then you will need 2 delay modules. If you want output taps panned left and right then you will need to wire them into some sort of mixing configuration. The easiest one is stereomixer, which allows each input to be panned individually.

Extending delay times, you’ll need to put a separate delay on each tap that you want to be longer than the max delay time and wire up some sort of UI system to allow you to control both delay times or use a different delay, such as longdelay.

As ndeshpande explained, be careful about internal feedback loops. They can get nasty really quick. My experiments with physical modelling and waveguides has had moments of feedback madness.  The easiest way of ensuring loop stability is to ensure that the loop gain can never exceed 1x (ie make sure that you are always reducing gain on each loop), or you will need some other way of controlling the gain in the loop, like a compressor, limiter, gate or detector acting on something.