MIDI mapping issue on H9 algos on new firmware

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    • #172389

      Hi guys,

      Loving the new firmware, and not had any problems until now. Especially loving the fact that there is now a trigger option for the more advanced phased loop stuff – thanks for fixing that as I use this stuff a lot live, and this is a gamechanger.

      Trying to map some parameters for a live show, and all working smoothly until I get to some of the H9 algos. Specifically, Resonator and Quadravox don’t seem to be able to map parameters via learn. Have tried different controllers etc etc and everything else working perfectly, so it’s not a connection thing. I can do it manually, but thought I’d flag this as it’s a minor annoyance and I suspect a relatively easy fix.


    • #172392

      Update: programming manually using CC number also doesn’t work. But the same fader works perfectly on both learn and manual mapping mode on non-H9 stuff.

    • #172396

      I raised this with them in June on an earlier thread. They can reproduce the issue. So hopefully a fix is not too far away.

    • #172422

      Ah sorry, missed that. Thanks for letting me know. Bit of a howler, so hopefully it’s fixed soon.

      • #172429
        Eventide Staff

        Sorry for the inconvenience, we’re working on getting out a fix for this ASAP.

    • #172490
      Eventide Staff

      H9000 beta firmware 2.1.13 has been released and fixes this issue. Please use Emote to update your H9000 and let me know what happens.

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