looper functionality clarification and/or feature request

Home Forums Products Stompboxes looper functionality clarification and/or feature request

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    • #172434

      per manual:  “…During loop recording, Resolution is set to Octaves. This guarantees that the immediate playback speed occurs at the recorded speed….”


      I understand that, but… with a program saved where a looper’s resolution is set to “smooth”,

      1) when I initiate recording (either via 1-button, or external source) the resolution flips to “octaves” (understandably based on the documentation quote above), then

      2) after either initiating “play” or “dub”…

      3) *…the resolution remains at “octaves”*, and

      4) in order to push it back up to “smooth” requires either manually sweeping it back or an additional MIDI message.

      Either I am doing something wrong that requires the additional “set resolution back to smooth” MIDI message, or b) I am requesting that if I save a program with the resolution set to “smooth”, that after the initial recording (which sweeps resolution to “octaves”), that when the initial recording ends, the resolution sweeps back to “smooth” based on the saved state.

      Hopefully that’s clear.  Please let me know if I’m missing something or if this is something that should be addressed in a future update.


    • #172449
      Eventide Staff


      Yes, what you describe is clear and is the intended behavior of the looper. The resolution will always automatically be set to Octaves when you start recording a loop from an empty state.

      I can log a request to allow the resolution to not always be set to Octaves this way, but I cannot provide a timeline for when we may update this.

      A temporary solution could be recording a blank loop at first, then switching the resolution to your desired setting, and then overdubbing on the blank loop you have recorded.

    • #172451

      Thank you @tbskoglund.  The blank loop idea is a good one to keep in the toolkit.  I can see that working well when/if you know the desired length of a loop in advance.  Not so much for grabbing material on the fly tho.

      For the time being, when initiating dub or playback, I’ll continue sending an additional MIDI message to move the resolution back to the desired/saved state.

      Have a great weekend.

    • #172453
      Eventide Staff

      You’re welcome. Glad to hear you figured out something that works for your setup. Have a nice weekend and happy looping!

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