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Yes, I tried this approach; I routed the audio from analog output of 1/2 of RME UCX ii to H9K and from H9K to analog input 3/4 of RME; I tried to push as much gain as possible from the RME totalmix without introducing distortion (a huge hiss from the monitor speaker), however, the output from H9K is extremely low………….. Is there anyway I can raise the output of H9K without introducing distortion low output


Yes, you should be able to send hotter signal from your interface to the H9000.

Are you actually familiar with TotalmixFX? You seem to have serious feedback one click away from happening (if you enable fx inTMFX), as you have fx send set at max level on input 3/4 (coming from the H9000 return) and fx return at max level on output 1/2 (going to the H9000).

Also, you have loopback enabled on output 1/2. Why? Are you re-recording the dry signal you’re sending from your Ableton to the H9000?

There are good video tutorials for TMFX on youtube, in case you feel confused. Best of luck!