Minimum Delay for Head Space

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Minimum Delay for Head Space

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    • #176773

      If I edit the parameter or tie it to a hot knob, the minimum value for Delay in a non tempo-synced Head Space preset is 200ms. However, if I set one of the switches to Tap, the smallest value I can tap is 120ms. Why the discrepancy?

      Small values with head positions near min and high feedback make for some wicked flangey reverb!

    • #176774
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks for reporting this. I believe this is a visual bug; the minimum delay time for Head Space will always be 200ms. The tap switch allows you to tap in values that are smaller than 200ms and the parameter will display these smaller values, but the minimum delay time will still be 200ms (you can hear the delay time doesn’t actually change, the parameter just displays smaller values based off your tap value.)

      I’ll log this as something to be fixed.

      Glad you are finding some useful interesting and useful sounds with Head Space. There’s a lot of space to wrap your head around with this one!

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