H9 MIDI query

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    • #176854

      Hi all, I’m using the H9 for vocals (I have a H90 for guitar also), I explicitly use a MIDI controller in a live situation, and am trying to work out how, if I already have a H9 preset engaged via MIDI (Reverb for instance), do I momentarily engage a different preset (say Harmony for example) so when I disengage the second preset I return to my original preset? I don’t want to reprogram the original preset return in my controller. I’d just prefer to have the additional preset somehow override and then return? Is this possible with CC’s? I hope I’m making sense.

    • #176857


      This is exactly what happens, once you have a program called up or loaded, and then you make any changes to it via CC messages. Once you disengage the program or even just recall it with a program change, it will go back to its original state unless you’ve somehow saved it in between.

    • #176858
      Eventide Staff

      Depending how advanced your MIDI Controller is it may be possible to send a message “On press,” which could be a PC (program change) message to your pitch shifting preset…

      and then have a different behavior “On release,” which could be another PC message to go back your reverb preset, for example. This requires experimentation.

      And yes, any time there’s a program change it reverts back to parameter settings that were saved with the preset.

    • #176859

      Okay, thanks. I’ll give that a try!

    • #176860
      Eventide Staff

      It’s easier to have one switch for your reverb preset and another switch on your MIDI controller for your pitch preset. Going back and forth is going to be much easier.

    • #176870

      Thanks Joe,

      I use a Morningstar MC6Pro MIDI Controller together with Bandhelper on my Samsung Tablet and a Roland UM1 USB to MIDI converter.  As I only have six buttons on each Page of the MC6Pro (2-3 switches are for H90 Guitar Effects in combination with my MIDI amp channel switching, and yes I run also Light Effects as well (blinder/blackout/strobe etc), but thats another story!).

      For specific songs that require it, I dedicate one of the six switches to Harmony. I hoped to have Bandhelper load the Bank preset into MC6Pro with the H9 Preset I use for a specific song and then have the Harmony button overide the H9 preset momentarily with a Harmony preset (releasing the button to return to the H9 prest originally loaded with the Bank/Song. I dont think thats possible using Bandhelper loading the H9 preset as the H9 somehow needs an additional instruction to reload the song preset after engaging the harmony preset..

      So far the easiest way I think is to dedicate a MC6Pro bank to a specific song (So, song bank selected at Bandhelper, not H9 Preset) that needs harmony, so on loading the MC6Pro bank, it loads the H9 song preset, and then I use the Harmony switch as a “Press to engage PC Harmony preset“, and “Release to return to/rengage the PC Song H9 preset“.



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