Expression to MIDI Transmit, is it possible?

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    • #178815

      Hello! I just received my H90 today.

      I am trying to test recording MIDI from Expression pedal (1) to a Cubase MIDI track automation

      So far I have failed to receive MIDI messages from the H90 into Cubase however, the MIDI Clock Synch from CUBASE works fine with the H90.

      I have tried with the USB connection first then moved to DIN via a MIDI interface (M-Audio Midisport).

      See settings attached.

      Is this actually possible or have I missed a crucial step somewhere? The CUBASE side is fairly straightforward and I am confident it is set-up correctly.

      Thank you in advance!

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    • #178818
      Eventide Staff

      Hello. Yes, this is possible, but you can only transmit MIDI from the H90’s DIN output, not USB.

      Your settings look correct. If you have an expression pedal connected to the H90’s exp input 1, when you adjust the expression pedal, that should be outputting MIDI CC 1.

      Can you try using a MIDI monitoring app and seeing if the MIDI CC information shows up there? Something like this should work fine:

    • #178910

      Thank you for the quick reply. The MIDI monitoring app was useful to confirm the H90 was sending CC#1 out.

      In the end I figured it out. For info, I had two issues….

      1) In Cubase I needed to create the H90 as a remote MIDI device and assign a so called Quick Control to CC#1. Once that was done Cubase recorded automation when using the expression pedal.

      2) The second issue, if you one can believe it, was due to not one but two faulty MIDI cables. Go figure. Once I replaced them both with a third one the input back to the H90 started behaving too.

      Off to create some weird sounds now.

      Thanks again!

    • #178912
      Eventide Staff

      You’re welcome. Glad to hear you figured it out and thanks for reporting back!

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