When Is the Next Update coming?

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    • #180415

      The Poly Synth came out in November 2023 and has still yet to show up! Is there a release date scheduled? Does it always take this long? I sold my H90 to get a 9000.

    • #180419
      Eventide Staff

      Hi lxm9096,

      Eventide is working on more updates for H9000 this year. We just finished adding RNBO support last week. PolySynth specifically will be ported over but we don’t have specific dates yet. I will relay your interest to the team.

    • #180788

      I just saw two new algorithms released for the H90, Aggravate and Sticky Tape.

      While I expect these will eventually be available to H9000 users, it feels frustrating to own the flagship and see new algo’s rolled out to ‘lesser’ products first.

      When can we expect these in the H9000??

      • #180789
        Eventide Staff

        Sorry, I cannot provide any specific dates but we are working on an H9000 update. It is currently being beta tested and we are hoping to release is ASAP once it has been properly tested. Thanks for your patience.

    • #180814

      looking forward to an update. i’m really loving my H9000,   This box goes into all my music. Keep up the great work Eventide…

    • #183500

      Any updates on this? Still no 96k or new algos from the H90? I regret selling the H90. Thus far this is not a flagship experience IMO

      • #183501
        Eventide Staff

        Patience. 😎 Soon.

      • #183503

        When I bought mine, I expected it to be the way it is with other high end ‘flagship’ products – ie the really good stuff comes out there first and then trickles down to lesser models, relying on the Halo Effect of the flagship to sell those lower cost products.

        That’s not how it works with the H9000. You wait for literally years for trivial bug fixes – and for new algorithms, you have to make do with the crumbs from entry level guitar pedals. SEVEN YEARS since release, there’s still nothing unique to the H9000 which fully utilizes its power, just a subset of legacy algorithms and ports from guitar pedals. The ports can take an eternity to arrive with no roadmap to keep users informed and engaged. Meanwhile it’s doubtful whether the recent excellent surround plugins (Blackhole/MicroPitch) will ever even make it over to the hardware.

        I’m sorry if this sounds negative, but in the three years I’ve had my H9000, I’ve gone from enthusiasm to disillusionment. There’s been very little of interest released and enquiries from frustrated users about important things like 96KHz support just result in vague promises from the devs that never materialize. So much untapped potential – it just doesn’t seem to be a priority for Eventide at all. I’m sure someone will jump in to reassure people that it IS a priority, but the release notes of the firmware updates over the past 7 years tell the true story.

    • #183516

      agree with you to a point… i also know i can load 16 algorithms in one sound if i want.

      i hope they put their focus on the 9000 soon but i have to say i love the box for what i use it for (tracking guitars) it’s incredible.  would love some new complex reverb and delay algorithms. but until then i’ll just be happy as hell

    • #183518

      I have been patient but it’s wearing thin. The slow updates, no 96k and the emote being a mess I’m nearing the end of any patience.

      • #183541
        Eventide Staff

        Sorry to hear of your frustration. The next update will include 96k compatibility for all algorithms. I cannot provide a release date, but it will be soon.

        Can you please elaborate on the issues you are having with Emote? I just looked at your post history and I do not see any posts relating to Emote.

        It would be helpful for us if you could report and issue or suggestions, and that will help us fix or improve your experience.

    • #183550

      Good to hear that 96Khz compatibility is coming at last!

      I would love to see the following, ideally before I die. These are mostly based on (vague) promises from Eventide going back several years, so I don’t think they’re either unreasonable or unrealistic:-

      – Ability to set Favorites and filter accordingly
      – Dual patch presets from the H90
      – Ability to chain more than 4 algorithms
      – DAW mode for fixed latency (yes, there’s a workaround but it would be nice to see it implemented properly)
      – New H9000 algorithms!

      (From the FAQ) – Are there any new algorithms on the H9000?
      “New FUTURE algorithms is the main reason we created the H9000. The decision to migrate from fixed point DSP to ARM was, in large part, driven by our conclusion that creating new ways to effect sound will be more efficient using the tools available for general purpose processors. The ARM platform also makes porting our plug-ins to the H9000 more efficient.”

      Re: Chaining more than 4 algorithms

      Nov 2019 – “In the nearer term, we are planning to add the ability to connect between DSPs in the next release, so you’ll be able to connect up to 16 effects without tying up analog IO and patchbay connections. This is supported natively in the system, but we don’t have a UI for it just yet.”
      Oct 2020 – “I think that ideally, we’d figure out a way to extend the current model so you could have 8 algorithms in an FX chain instead of 4, without restrictions on how they are laid out.”
      March 2021 – “Sorry but this won’t be something that will make it to the next H9k firmware release. It is still something that is being discussed and a feature that we’d like to include in a future release. Thanks for your patience.”

      Re: DAW Mode for latency

      – July 2021 “I can’t promise a date for when this will be ready, but adding this feature is a high priority. Thanks for your patience.”

    • #183584

      I’m sure the team at Eventide is doing their best. Surely the H90 drives a larger share of their revenue and customer base, so it makes sense that the company would focus resources there. I share a desire for improvement and new functionality but I think we should be patient and be grateful for what we have.

    • #184561
      benoit piccand

      …bought mine in 2018, and was expecting a more energetic update-flow and much new stuff… great box, i’ll surely keep it for a long time (i mean, i also still have and use a H3000…), but after 6 years, i’d love to see things moving on.

    • #184565

      Setting favorites would be great, and also numbering imported algorithms.

      • #184579
        Eventide Staff

        Can you elaborate when you say “numbering imported algorithms”? When you import an algorithm, an Algorithm ID (ie. 10101) will be automatically generated. When you use a tool such as VSig or RNBO, you can customize the number when you compile/export the algorithm. Are you requesting to change this ID number or something else?

    • #184581

      I’d like to be able to choose the number upon import.

    • #185163
      Eventide Staff

      Hi all,

      Please see details about the latest update here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/forums/topic/h9000-2-2-11-emote-2-1-10/?view=all

      Thanks for your patience and we hope you enjoy the new update!

    • #185167

      Thank you so much for the update.

    • #185178

      Great news…;thanks for the update

    • #185182
      Matthias Adloff

      That’s amazing. Thank you very much.

    • #185191
      Ed Driscoll

      Great news! I’m just about to head over to the studio to update my H9000. Incidentally, you might want to nudge the date on the announcement sticky; it’s still showing as August 16, 2023.

    • #185192

      I must be dense, where is the announcement for this?

    • #185194

      Yeah, I found it , not my point though.  I can’t find that thread anywhere on the rackmount page?!?!

      • #185200
        Eventide Staff

        I’ve updated the post so it is more visible on the rackmount forum page, thanks for the heads up.

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