Better handling of Editor #1

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Better handling of Editor #1

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    • #183428


      eg. try to set the tempo to 64 by mouse. Impossible!

      Two ideas:

      Implement the keyboard as a tool (so you can type in the tempo)


      Implement the shift-button as a general tool to slow down the clicked-mouse-movement (so, all deals and bars react on a fraction to the mouse gesture)



      BTW, your editor is awesome. My Laptop runs consequently without internet. Had do break my rules for the h90 to register and all – now I have to deal with a horde of Win-updates- it’s disgusting. AT LEAST: please, deactivate the ‘update check error’, so it’s an instant working without a necessity to click for an ‘okay’ at this point…




    • #183433
      Eventide Staff


      You can hold CTRL while adjusting parameters for fine adjustment. This works for the tempo slider. I can log your request for typing in values for the tempo slider (you can use the keyboard for other parameter adjustments, such as delay time, etc.)

      We’re also looking into an improvement for the “update check error” message, thanks for bring this to our attention.

      Let me know if there is anything else I can help with.

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