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    • #185252

      I just finished the newest update successfully. However, when I now click on “connect” my pc screen goes right back to my desktop. Why is this?


    • #185256

      Same thing with me. I have a problem when I connect via USB through my MacBook, and I can’t connect via Bluetooth through my iPad. All of these problems started after I updated today. I have to prepare for a performance tomorrow, so it’s a very difficult situation.

    • #185257
      Eventide Staff

      If you’ve updated to the latest Public Beta H90 Software (1.9.4), you’ll also need to install the latest Public Beta version of H90 Control (1.8.6):



      Note that this version of H90 Control is not yet available for iPad. Let me know if installing this version of H90 Control resolves the connection issues.

      EDIT: H90 Control 1.8.6 for iPad is now available via TestFlight:

    • #185258

      The problem has been solved. Thank you.

    • #185265

      Problem solved. Thanks!

    • #185279

      Came here to report the same issue; installing the new 1.9.4 public beta of H90 control fixes the problem. Cheers, folks!

    • #185286

      Well something went seriously wrong for me. First the H909 control app on my Mac crashed repeatedly when trying to connect. When I installed the 1.9.4 I could get the H90 control to start and connect to the pedal but now my H90 has reset itself. All my programming is lost and on top of that the pedal looks ok but there is no effects added to the sound in any program. I reset it for dual routing and the routing works but I get no effects from the H90.

    • #185287

      I did a factory reset but still no effects beeing applied to the sound from the H90. It passes sound throu the dual routing but no effects. Something went serously wrong with the update.

    • #185320

      Problem solved with the help from Eventides excelent customer support!

    • #185329


      I’ve installed (fresh), and on login screen I’ve error (I’m providing correct credentials, as I can login here with the same).
      Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 15.04.10

    • #185331

      Update: I’ve used username instead of e-mail and was able to login.

    • #185353

      Hi there,


      Do you have an approximate release date for the latest IOS app update? It is really useful when on the road with my I padpro.


      Thank you.

    • #185385

      I updated to 1.8.6 and I cannot gain access on my computer via USB. It gives me the message Software Update Required. No idea where to get this update, as I went to the downloads section and don’t see anything beyond the 1.8.6 update. Do I need to update the unit itself, and where is that file?  Thank you. Using Windows 10.

    • #185387

      You can click the cloud icon in the corner of the H90 device in H90 Control to update the H90 software. You need to update the pedal to H90 software version 1.9.4 to work with this version of H90 Control. See #7 on the list here for the update icon:

      Unable to click on the cloud icon… it’s not lit to select, and clicking on it does nothing.

      • #185395
        Eventide Staff

        Try click the X icon to delete the H90 from H90 Control, and then go through the “Add Device” steps again. Can you now click the cloud icon after adding it again?

      • #185422

        You can click the cloud icon in the corner of the H90 device in H90 Control to update the H90 software. You need to update the pedal to H90 software version 1.9.4 to work with this version of H90 Control. See #7 on the list here for the update icon:

        Thanks. I did that yesterday and it didn’t work… but it did today. Go figure.


      • #185424
        Eventide Staff

        Glad to hear this is resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    • #185447

      I tested the new update on my playlist (controlled by a morningstar MC6-Pro) and there are a few MIDI differences (nothing too bad since i corrected quickly).


      1) Before the update i could change Mode before or after loading a preset (same thing, no problem). Now i’ve got to change mode before loading or the behavior is weird (works sometime, not everytime and also sometime goes to PErform page 2)..

      2) Apparently i’ve got issues with the P act/bypass CC message. It was bypassing my program before, no it has no effect (i used  load CC instead and it works).


      Like i said, nothing too bad. Just reporting weird things in case it helps.


      • #185456
        Eventide Staff

        Thanks for taking the time to test the new update and post here. Can you please provide some more information?

        1) Please describe in more detail what operation you are doing here. Are you changing from Select / Perform mode? Is this being done using MIDI? Note that the perform page will now be saved in the Program. For example, if you save the Program while on Perform page 2, when you load that Program it will automatically be on Perform page 2. The next Program may use Perform page 1 if that’s what page it was on when it was saved. I’m not sure what the difference you are describing is by changing modes before/after a Program is loaded, so please help me understand this better.

        2. You must use a CC message of 64 or higher to toggle the Program bypass on/off. If using momentary Program bypass, a CC value of 63 or lower will bypass the Program, a value of 64 or higher will make it active. Please confirm that your MIDI controller is configured to send these CC messages properly.

    • #185465

      Thank you for your answers.


      First let me say i was not aware of the changes you mentionned, and i think these changes are great. Saving the Perform along with the Program is a wonderful idea (saves a few midi messages). But, as my playlist was working great, i did not noticed this change. So just for the sake of maybe detecting a bug, here is what i was doing.

      H90 on MIDI channel 4. The chain goes from Mc6Pro (Midi Channel 1) through an HX Stomp (Midi channel 2) to the H90 In.


      In MIDI Global:

      CC#98 assigne to Select Mode (not relevant here)

      CC#99 assigned to Bank Mode (not relevant here)

      CC#100 assigned to Perform Mode

      Calling Program 10 in Perform mode: i sent a CC#100 and a PC#10 to the H90 (MC6-Pro being the controlling machine). The order of these 2 messages was not relevant in previous firmware, but i noticed in the new firmware CC#100 must be launched before PC#10 or weird things happens.

      That said, maybe it is connected to the new functionnality you pointed (and as i plan to remove these messages now that i know i can save the mode with the program, it is not a problem).


      I’ve got a program (let’s say Program 1) with P and A on by default (B is off) , and want to call this program AND deactivate P immediately..

      in MIDI Global I’ve got

      CC#14 assigned to P Act/Byp.

      CC#1 assigned to Load.

      Previous firmware. Launching PC#1 and CC#14 with a value of 127 was deactivating P. Not working on new firmware

      Also tried PC#1 and CC#14 with a value of 0 (no more effect).

      But (new firmware) : Launching PC#14 and CC#1 with a value of 127 works. So that’s enough for me anyway.


      Hope it helps, but, as i’ve said, No real deal : everything is working fine.






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