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Have you considered a gofundme?  It would be a good way to gauge real interest of people who are willing to pay (like me), and secure funding it you reach the goal.  The fact that you already have a beta version would give it greater chance of success.  Nothing to lose if it doesnt make the funding goal.  I love the GUI you made.  There are many out there with Orvilles, DSP7000/4000, H7600, H8000’s who would love to use this but just don’t know it was being worked on.  I’ve had an Orville for several years and just found out about it.  Last time I checked for a Mac version was like 2019.  I now have an H8000FW as well so I checked again and saw your post on thegearpage.com which led me to this thread.  I think the word just needs to get out and you could see a lot more interest.