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First of all, thank you for your answer
I have attached a detailed plan and an official example image that was the basis of the plan

The plan is to assign a drive and fx to each insert 1/2 to change the location at will

[insert1] h90 (out 3) – fuzz – od – dist – tonex – h90 (in 3)

I wonder if it’ll work if it’s configured like this

If possible, I wonder if the signal from h90 out is treated as a buffered signal because I need to change the fuzz position to the back of the guitar

In the case of volume pedals, if connect it to the h90 vol terminal, there is no tone loss, and if it only plays a functional role, I want to use any inexpensive volume pedals like boss fv500 so I wonder if the volume pedal connected to the volume terminal of h90 affects the overall tone

thank you