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Home Forums Products Stompboxes Can’t Get Fully “Wet” Micropitched Signal Reply To: Can’t Get Fully “Wet” Micropitched Signal


No. WDW is the end goal. I’m testing the wet portion via two heads, both with effects loops. Complete signal chain as follows:

Guitar > Tuner > DigiTech Mosaic > Phaser > Flanger > Tube Screamer > Wah > Front of Amp (I use the amp for drive) > FX send on head 1 > MicroPitch Delay (set to mono, line level) > Output 1 to left input of stereo delay, Output 2 to right input of stereo delay > Stereo Delay > Stereo Reverb > left output to FX return on head 1, right output to FX return on head 2.

I have an ABY box that I use in live situations to peel off the dry signal. What I’m trying to do at the moment is test and troubleshoot the “wet” path, hence why I’m confused as to why I’m still getting a dry tone even though I set the MPD to 100% wet.

I think this would be easier to discuss via a call. If you have access to my Eventide profile and see my e-mail address, could you e-mail me a number at which to contact you to discuss live?