H90 Quick Knobs – very sensitive?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 Quick Knobs – very sensitive?


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    • #187139

      Hi all,

      This question is in regards to the H90 pedal.

      Last night I went to calibrate my external switch and expression pedal, calibration went fine, but when I pressed the quick knob to confirm, it kept going right back into the calibration screen like 5 or 6 times. After some experimenting it seems like all three quick knobs (if left in just the right position) change/toggle parameters if I just simply touch the knob. If left in certain positions, it does not happen. Almost like I can leave the knob in right on the verge of switching a value and at that point simply touching the knob it goes back and forth between values a bit too easily it would seem. It is way more obvious if the knob is controlling a setting that toggles something on/off rather than changing a value such as mix or delay time for example.

      To be clear, this happens even without the external footswitch and expression pedal mapped. I did factory reset just to be sure, and it is running on the most current firmware as of today (at work right now but I can post the version later). So that’s it, I am hoping someone could check if their quick knobs behave the same? Just wanted to touch base with the veteran users here to see if this is normal behavior. I truly appreciate it.

    • #187158

      This is kind of a neat trick I never noticed before.  I can replicate this exactly but I don’t think this is a problem (at least not for me).

      For example, I can carefully dial-in the octave parameter in Aggravate so it is right on the edge of on/off.  Touching the Quick Knob just right will knock it from on to off and back again.


    • #187159

      I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to read my post, and replicate this behavior on your side.

      Honestly I agree, it’s not a huge problem at all for me, in-fact, I wouldn’t even have noticed if it hadn’t jumped back into the calibrate screen several times when I calibrated my footswitch and expression pedal. I must have happened to have the encoder in just the right spot. I honestly just wanted to make sure my encoders were not faulty. Thank you thank you thank you! 🙂

      I can post a wetransfer link to a short video of the behavior if you all would like. Otherwise, I am moving on to go enjoy this amazing pedal!!! Nothing else has this much to offer. Eventide is really a great company, you all have amazing products with excellent documentation and support.

      Thanks again!

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