I’ve owned a H8000FW for some months and something unusual happened tonight.
The device is usually set to 48 kHz in.
For a reason that I don’t know it lost its sync and the “ext” LED began to blink regularly. Everything went wrong. The device didn’t recognize the played notes, sot the diatonic didn’t work at all. The routing was on Analog A–>B but the 2nd processeur didn’t work at all.
I came to my laptop to write to this forum.
I went back to note something that was written on the display and, surprise !, the ext LED had stop blinking completely, the diatonic shift began to work again and the H8000FW played well the two programs A –>B.
Ok my problem is solved but if I knew the reasons of such a dysfunction I could maybe avoid it in the future. Cause I lost 2 hours of work…