Massive Pack 5 download

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    • #188337
      Hugh Holstein

        Why is the Massive Pack 5 not in the download section?

        I need the download for Mac

      • #188341
        Eventide Staff

          These plug-ins were discontinued a while ago, so they do not show up in our active line of plug-ins.

          You can find the installers here:

        • #188344
          Hugh Holstein

            I know where it’s supposed to be located, it’s not there.
            Please look carefully at that list that the link you provided goes to.
            You will notice that the MP5 is missing.

            There’s MP2, MP3, MP4, MP6 and MP7.

            No MP5

          • #188346
            Hugh Holstein

              Furthermore, there is Band Delays in the Massive Pack list but the notes specifically say that it was also part of MP5 and to download that installer if that is what license you have.

            • #188348
              Hugh Holstein

                So Eventide, please show me where the MP5 download is precisely, I’ve searched the entire legacy product section and it simply isn’t there

              • #188366
                Eventide Staff


                  I have shared the installers with you directly via your support ticket. Sorry for the inconvenience.

                • #188380

                    Thanks for helping Hugh, tbskoglund!

                    Great to see “dead download links” come alive again – please consider posting the MP5 Installer alongside its siblings …

                  • #188407
                    Hugh Holstein

                      Thanks for helping Hugh, tbskoglund! Great to see “dead download links” come alive again – please consider posting the MP5 Installer alongside its siblings …

                      I agree that this should be posted with all the other Massive Packs (it’s the only one missing).

                      worked like a champ! I now have Band Delays and Ultra Channel on Pro Tools 10 HD!

                      Thanks Eventide! Sorry to bug you about such an old software product, you really made my day!

                    • #188446
                      Eventide Staff

                        Glad that we were able to help. We’ve updated the downloads page to include those installers.

                      • #188550
                        Hugh Holstein

                          Excellent work everyone!

                          as just a follow up, apparently these were installed as a promo version and I didn’t notice until a few days later.

                          I’m not sure if the version you posted is any different than the ones you shared with me earlier, but I did download that file and reinstalled but got the same error telling me that some system drivers were still missing.

                          So I reinstalled the correct PACE/ILOK drivers (for Snow Leopard in my case) and all seems good now.

                          Not sure why I had to do that because I’m certain I had installed that already, but it’s working again.

                        • #188556

                            Glad to see i’m not the only one reviving TDM setups in 2025. Thats great they were able to find your file you needed.

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