2 computers controlling H9000 via Emote?

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    • #188575

        Hello users and/or Eventide team

        I am considering purchasing a H9000 and hoping on some clarification by either users or Eventide as

        I am trying to do my due diligence and research one a specific functionality to make sure the H9k actually does support my intended use case,

        before purchasing one.


        Can the H9k be controlled by two different computers in a network via Emote?


        I have two studio rooms with one studio computer in each. I wish to be able to control the H9000 from either computer, is this possible?

        Both studio rooms have access to the I/O of the unit. However I wish to be able to manage algo’s via Emote from the two different computers (not at the same time, but without having to reconfigure the whole setup)


        My concern are

        – Are there any users controlling one H9K hardware unit from more then 1 computer and can verify this works without issues.

        – Does this introduce any issues if both computers have Emote engaged at the same time to the same H9k unit (can they even? If not – does the unit crash etc?

        – If only one Emote host can control the h9k at a time, does switching to control from the other require either the computers or h9k to be “reconfigured” ?


        Any experience with above would be super appreciated! I am afraid if the H9000 does not support this type of application I would find myself having purchased one without it working for my intended use case


        Kind regards














      • #188576

          I’ve been using Emote to control the H9000 on two computers simultaneously. No problems there. I’ve also had two Emote instances open on the same computer. One inside a DAW as a plugin, and the other one as standalone. This worked fine as well.

          Emote still crashes each time if I start Emote before the H9000 has fully booted up. After that it works fine. (perhaps this will be fixed one day along with other updates)
          Also, I recommend using a wired ethernet connection, at least for connecting the H9000 to your wifi router, even if your computers are connected via wifi. The included wifi dongle, while nice to have, is limited in its range and performance. Afterall, it’s just a dongle..

        • #188605
          Eventide Staff


            Yes, using 2 or more instances of Emote on multiple computers simultaneously is supported. Many larger studios with multiple rooms use the H9000 this way. Connecting the H9000 to your network via ethernet would be the best way to do this.

            Let me know if you have any other questions.


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