H3000 – special XLR cables?

Home Forums Products Rackmount H3000 – special XLR cables?


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    • #188922

        Hi all!

        Finally, after many years wanting an H3000, I managed to get an H3000SE for a sweet deal.

        Finally joined the 3000 club owners of this classic and iconic Harmonizer.

        Now… I know for quite some time that the XLR in and outs are not conventional, the way they are wired (pin 1,2 and 3).

        My question: can I use standard XLR cables? Or do I really need special ones? What happens if I plug standard XLR cables to the ins and outs?


      • #188945


          You need an XLR cable which essentially flips the HOT/COLD. Pins 2/3 are “backwards” on the H3000.

          route H3000 pin 2 (- PHASE) COLD >> to pin 3 (- PHASE) COLD on the other rack gear.
          route H3000 pin 3 (+ PHASE) HOT >> to pin 2 (+ PHASE) HOT on the other rack gear.

          pin 1 remains signal ground.

          Most rack equipment I/O pin 2 as HOT(+), so when you output or input into other gear with a regular cable, it will FLIP the phase.

          If you want to unbalance the H3000 input (1/4″ TS jack), connect XLR pins 1,2 (COLD/GND) to 1/4″ ground (sleeve), pin 3 (HOT) to tip.
          If you want to unbalance the H3000 output (1/4″ TS jack), connect XLR pin 1 to ground, pin 3 (HOT) to tip, and leave pin 2 (COLD) unconnected. Pin 2 is left unconnected because the NEC5532 output driver (opamp) produces less harmonic distortion with its cold (-) pin open (not shorted to ground).

          Hope this helps.

        • #188949

            Reminder: You made it this far. Don’t cut any corners now. Have someone make high-quality cables for you if you can’t do this yourself or find a solution online. Preferably, make two sets so you have a backup. Do it properly.

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