BD600W+ - Eventide Audio

The New Standard for Protection
on WheatNet-IP systems

The BD600W+ offers an unprecedented 80 seconds of the highest quality revenue and license-protecting delay — twice as much as other delays. You have the flexibility to customize the delay buffer length from four seconds to the full 80 seconds. Dump can be customized in 1/2 second increments up to 10 seconds. Each time the DUMP button is pressed, only one segment is deleted. For example, if a unit is set to the full 80 seconds of delay buffer, and is set up to provide 8-second dumps, you will have ten separate dump segments. Pushing the DUMP button the first time cuts out one 8-second segment. You still have 72 seconds of delay protection. If this is followed by more trash-talk, push the DUMP button again and you still have over a minute of delay protection.

The “sneeze” button momentarily “edits” audio entering the delay, allowing the host to sneeze, cough, or make a short comment without being heard on-air – and without dead air. Your station cannot afford to work without a net. With the BD600W+, you will never worry about running out of delay memory.

In addition to the fully integrated BD600W+, an optional factory-installed upgrade, or a W-Upgrade field upgrade kit (soldering required) is available from Eventide for BD600s manufactured in 2011 or later.  

MicroPrecision Delay™ mode allows up to 20 seconds of delay adjustment in real-time in 100 nanosecond increments.

For stations upgrading to HD, providing a high-quality subsample adjustable delay for synchronizing analog and digital is the holy grail for maintaining a seamless experience for listeners. MicroPrecision Delay can be adjusted on-air and ramped in and out for clean transitions without audible artifacts.

The BD600W+ features built-in WheatNet-IP connectivity and Extended Remote capability by conveniently streaming 24-bit audio and control data over the WheatNet-IP network for easy integration with new or existing WheatNet-IP broadcast networks. The Eventide BD600W+ in conjunction with the WheatNet-IP network is fully compatible with the AES67 standard for AoIP.The BD600W+ adds more delay protection, improves fidelity, and expands remote options while maintaining the user interface and yellow DUMPbutton familiar to all radio engineers. It is the culmination of thirty years of designing and manufacturing highly reliable delays for broadcast. Featuring 80 seconds of delay, 24-bit digital and analog I/O, plus a host of new features, the BD600W+ is the new world standard.


  • Microprecision delay mode for HD synchronization
  • 80 seconds of delay protection
  • USB Remote Control
  • WheatNet-IP connectivity
  • “Panic” allows WAV file play back during delay rebuild
  • 24-bit AES/EBU digital I/O, with optional Wordclock sync
  • 24-bit analog XLR I/O
  • User-defined “dump” length segmentation
  • “Sneeze” button for momentary edit
  • RS-232 I/O
  • Network remote capabilities offer 16 assignable inputs and outputs

If 80 seconds of delay protection were not enough, the BD600 has a secondary backup called PANIC. This plays a .WAV file stored on a compact flash card. While the file – a jingle, ID, or another message – is played, delay is being built up in real-time, allowing programming to continue in safety as soon as the jingle is over. This can also be used for painless entry into delay.

The unit shows not only an exact digital readout of delay time but also has a “quick read” bar graph which instantly confirms “you’re safe” at a glance. The BD600W+ is an 80-second stereo delay unit featuring analog XLR-type inputs and outputs, as well as AES/EBU digital audio inputs and outputs. All front panel switches (except “configure”) can be remoted, as can the status indicators. Both RS-232 in and out are included; 16 assignable remote inputs and outputs are available as WheatNet-IP GPIOs.


  • Inputs/Outputs
  • Signal and Connectors
  • Signal Characteristics
  • Physical
Analog Inputs

Audio Input Connectors

XLR pin 2 hot, true differential balanced, +4 dBm nominal

Input Impedance

20K ohms bridging

Full Scale Input Level


Dynamic Range



<0.003 @ 1kHz, -3dBFS


<-100dB @ 20Hz to 20kHz, -1dBFS

Analog Outputs

Audio Output Connectors

XLR pin 2 hot, true differential balanced, +4 dBm nominal

Output Impedance

20K ohms bridging

Full Scale Output Level


Dynamic Range



<0.003 @ 1kHz, -3dBFS in stable delay state


<-100dB @ 20Hz to 20kHz, -1dBFS



Recorded Signal Specs

Frequency Response

Live or Bypass: 20Hz-20kHz +- 0.1dB

HD Microprecision Delay mode 10Hz-19kHz +- 0.25dB

Broadcast Profanity Delay mode 10hZ-20kHz +- 0.1dB (while delay is chaning 10Hz-19kHz +- 1.5dB)

Profanity Delay Maximum Length

Can be set to 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 30, 40, 60, or 80 seconds

Micro Precision Fixed Delay

Can be set from .010 seconds to 9.999,999 seconds in microsecond steps

Remote Control Connectors and Interfaces

Remote Control Inputs

RS-232 control input and output
USB Remote Control

Basic Remote

4 configurable inputs (closure to ground)
2 relay-isolated status outputs

Optional Extended Remote

16 bi-polar opto-isolated inputs
16 open-collector outputs
RS-232 input and delayed output

Compact Flash Interface

Supports Type I and Type II Compact Flash cards for .WAV sample playback and software update

A/D and Digital Signal Characteristics

Sample Rates

48kHz, 44.1kHz, Word Clock, AES/EBU

Digital Inputs/Outputs

2 Channels of 24-bit AES/EBU




Inches: 1.75h x 19w x 10.5d / CM: 4.5h x 48.3w x 26.7d

9 pounds (4.1 Kg); Shipping weight 14 pounds (6.5 Kg)

40 watts, 100-240 VAC, 50/60Hz

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