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Thank you very much for the assistance!

I currently have the Firewire cable connected from the Fireface to the H8000 and then the PC.  All appears to work under the following conditions:

1.  The Eventide is configured with the Factory Preset Analogue A>B and I connect my Guitar and Mic straight into the Eventide.  I then send the Analog outputs from the Eventide direct into the Fireface.

I tried setting the Eventide's routing to the Firewire A>B and plugged the Guitar and Mic straight into the Fireface but was not able to get any processed sound back to the Fireface.

I am with the feeling that I am missing something else (probably routing) but am about brain-fried with deciphering the Eventide Manual on Firewire routing.  I will re-attack the manual later this evening…any thoughts?  Thanks again!