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Home Forums Products Stompboxes TF-With Catch up on, parameter control knob min/max values assignments don’t work Reply To: TF-With Catch up on, parameter control knob min/max values assignments don’t work


Yes this does work but I'm already using an expression pedal in that jack. For some presets I have the wet/dry mix assigned to the expression pedal but with other presets the pedal is controlling other parameters and I don't want to give that up. I want to use the Aux Switch to have a global way to quickly access the wet/dry mix without having to bend down on a gig to change it.

I like to have Global Mix turned on and I've noticed sometimes if I control the wet/dry mix with the expression pedal and happen to leave the wet/dry mix on zero or 100% when I switch to a different preset there is either no effect sound or way too much until I change the wet/dry mix knob. If I happen to have the wet/dry mix assigned to the expression pedal for this preset I can change it with the pedal but if delay feedback is assigned to the expression pedal instead not wet/dry mix then the only way I can change this mix is to manually turn the wet/dry knob or use my Aux Switch.

Am I making sense?