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Home Forums Products Rackmount Eventide H8000 : Trying to remote the levels and something wrong happens in the preset parametres Reply To: Eventide H8000 : Trying to remote the levels and something wrong happens in the preset parametres


    Can somebody please let me know why the Rocktron Hex Expression does not calibrate properly?  I am in the filter Q (preset  #320),

    but first of all I went to setup pedals, hit calibrate and it says heel at 0 percent and toe at 66.4%.   but the top slider says 0% when I am in   toe down position and 100% when I am toe up position.   And then when holding select on the frequency parameter of the parameter page for the effect, and assigning pedal 1. when i rock the pedal to the down position it begins at the low frequency of the sweep, but when i get to the down position, i expect the sweep to be at the top frequency.  Why doe the pedal behave this way when used as a physical pedal 1 input and why does it behave differently – as it should (up position to down) sweeps  from low frequency to high. – when plugged into the Rocktron All Access expression pedal input and when  assigned through "Capture Midi"???    Its all messed up when used as a quarted inch input into the H8000.