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Home Forums Products Stompboxes FactorLib 1.8 Reply To: FactorLib 1.8

Billy Foppiano

    As I have replied elsewhere, I have had issue with FactorLIb, BUT first, I'd like to thank you for getting on this, and making it available so we can use the LIBRARIAN to save and manipulate our librarys.

    So far, tho, it is not ready for prime time. And I have encountered several um feayures that I'll throw down here.

    After many manipulations documented yesterday, I have noticed:

    1) In the new software, I saved a System file (so I wouldn't have to reprogram my 3 button Digi footswithch) to a Sysex program. It didn't save it …didn't recognise the data dump, BUT the system recognised a former System Dump from version 2.4 (??)…..So there.

    2) I re-inialised My whole system after loading the system software, and then loaded my "saved" dump from 1-8 Factor Lib. All my patches had alphabet soup, BUT if I loaded my patches from the same file, one by one, I lost the soup……Manes didn't hold, but at least I lost the crappy alpha-chars that dominated the display for 5 secounds.

    That's it for now. I will monkey as I go, but I'm less concerned with the naming. At least we can name in the editor, and print it out.