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Hi Max,

Glad you like the effect! We weren't able to comfortably fit the custom Resonator notegrid onto an iphone sized screen so you are correct that it is only available on ipad and osx.

We are currently working on a video, it will be released soon. In the meantime, do you have specific questions about the parameters?

The gist of it is that there are 4 delay taps. Each delay tap can be tuned to a specific note (Note1-4). Depending on how high the Resonance parameter is set, the delays will ring out more or less based on the input notes you play. If the Resonance is set to 0, the delay taps will sound clean. If the Resonance is set really high or really low and Note1 is tuned to C4, this means that the first tap of delay will have a tone at C4 whenever you play a note that is sympathetic to C4. So if you play any C, you will hear a loud and pronounced tone at C4, but if you play an F#5, it won't ring out as much.

Furthermore, the way the 4 delays are distributed in time is determined by the 4-digit Rhythm parameter. If the Length parameter is set to 800ms, imagine that this amount of time is divided into 8 possible slots where the delay taps can go. These slots (or subdivisions) are the numbers represented by the 4 digits of the Rhythm parameter.  So Rhythm will have the first and second delay taps happen on subdivision1 (instantaneous, equivalent to 0ms delay), whereas the 3rd tap will occur on the 5th subdivision, and the 4th tap will occur on the 7th subdivision. If FB1 is turned up, this pattern will repeat.  

When you are in the preset editor, pressing on the space between the knobs will pull up the top and bottom menu bars. The top menu has an 'Info' button that has descriptions of all the parameters. You might find this helpful.  
