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I have a similar question with regard to controlling the Time Factor with an expression pedal. I've set all this up and everything works fine. I'm switching patches/presets with a Rocktron Midi Mate and Patch Mate, and using an expression pedal plugged into the Time Factor 1/4" Expression Pedal Input Jack. The Midi Mate controller has an expression pedal input jack as well, and the expression pedal sits right next to it on my pedal board. I would like to clean up my cable runs by plugging the expression pedal into the Midi Mate and sending the expression commands over the midi cable, eliminating the need to run a separate cable all the way back to the rack where the Time Factor is located. If I do this, will I have to reprogram all the parameters controlled by the expression pedal? Or… is there a way to do this without having to reprogram?