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Ya, it's a current thing I'm guessing – 1200mA is what's needed to run the Tides…  I'll have to put a straight up 120V bar into the board, and use the included adaptors – no problems, this can be done.  I'll still get a VLPP2 for the rest.  

Friedman's made some wicked boards, but I'm no rockstar, just a hobbyist that digs his music and digs technology – so long as the technology is easy to use and efficient and reliable.  I've got no bad habits except music – hahahahaha…  Maybe if I'm off on this bit about the Voodoo Labs PP2 not having enough horsepower to run 3 tides, someone out there could definitely chime in here.  Seems to me that the VLPP2 would be the money, but if not, god to know in advance.

Nice board by the way – tight…  Simple and clean.

Peace Cats,
