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How difficult would it be for you to come out with a factor pedal editor? You don't even have to give it away like FactorLib. I'm sure almost everyone here would gladly pay a reasonable fee for it. 

I bought the PF when I was making good money in a tribute band. I used it on one song, but it was a signature song and it worked well for it. It was way too much money to spend for a one song effect but I did it anyway. Now, that band's gigs are behind me and I was thinking I'd like to use the pedal for more than just one diatonic effect (with a momentary switch in the expression pedal jack to instantly switch scales).  The cryptic interface always puts me off. I learn it then forget it again. It's also a pain to program from a pedal board. It badly needs an editor, as do the other factor pedals. For the life of me I cannot understand why Eventide doesn't seem to care. Suggesting I buy an H9 just adds insult to injury.

The lack of an automated way to convert patches after the s/w upgrade is another sore spot. Luckily, I only have a few but what if I had hundreds or if I develop a bunch by the time another non-compatible OS upgrade is announced?

I guess I just expected better from a company of the stature of Eventide. Maybe support for your "stars" is good but it seems for us common folk, not so much…