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    This is not about making a music app. It’s also not about making a big android software project. In terms of project size this is not a huge project.

    It is only an app taht communicates via bluetooth with a device, sending it messages on your own api. It may have some moderate UI work, but business logic should be plain and simple.

    (not to mentiont that apps of this particular type can be developed with a suitable framework so it only needs to be developed once for all mobile platforms).

    What is frustrating is that this thread has been going on for almost a year now, and Eventide hasn’t been able to come up with an android app.

    I am willing to write it, but not as a volunteer. I have paid good money for the H9 itself.

    I have recently moved away from iOS, and contorlling my H9 has become a mess.

    Android market IS larger than iOS. A for target markets – while it may be true that musicians tend to be Apple people, devices such as Samsing S6, LG G4, etc. are high end luxury products. And this thread and others going on for so long is proof of thsi market’s existance.

    Now let me say this. The H9 is my first and only Eventide product. I own several guitars, amps and effects. I have TC Electronic stuff, Line6, Avid and Kemper digital equipment.

    This lack of support for a major platform, puts in risk any future Eventide purchases I might have made. I am very happy with the sound quality of the effect.

    It is unfeasible to control it manually, and now that I don’t carry an iphone anymore with me it makes controlling it a total mess for me.

    I understand eventide decided to invest their resources in other directions. But truly, as a software developers I understand the level of effort needed for this, and if you are not willign to invest that in me, I don’t think I can have more Eventide products in the future.


    As simple as that.