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Partially on topic, here a short example of sympathetic drones made with Octavox, working exclusively with short delay feedbacks :
The impro itself is bounded into the ionian mode of C scale, with a few dry/wet mix automation and a simple mastering process (Vintage Warmer 2, from PSP)
I must say i’m rather amazed on the sound quality and the short steps allow to find the ringing frequency very precisely (except perhaps whith a delay time shorter than 10 milliseconds on that purpose)
And this leads me to another feature request, but not necessarily on his unit : let say that in the case the C tone was targeted on 4 octaves : from 60.8 ms (for a fundamental ringing frequency under 20 hz !) to 7.6 ms with some smal difference into delay time that makes them shimmering one to another, so all the 8 delay lines where involved
I assume that a proper use of snapshots here can avoid a keyboard-controlled delay times to change , feature offered by a very few plugins on the market, like Ohmygod from Ohmforce, MFM2 fron U-he or Dronebox and Polycomb from Oli Larkin (though these last one shas been discontinued) but again the variety of possible sounds and nuances would be so huge …
…i’ve currently achieved among other categories, a entire sets of presets on that focus (drones in unissons for each note of an entire octave) and try to go deeper in this investigation targeting intervals, triads and chords, don’t know yet if a developer around kvraudio might be interested in selling them, so i just manage to talk about it here for an early answer on the question…
thanks in advance
Alexandre Borcic