- Eventide Audio

Home Forums Products Plug-Ins License Key for Product Registration (Blackhole) Reply To: License Key for Product Registration (Blackhole)

    VmusicV wrote:


    I bought Blackhole through KVR Audio Forum. I got the email from Eventide, it's in my iLok account as a product I own. I got it installed no problem. Now I am trying to register it and it requires a license key.

    I don't see a license key in iLok? [the plugin appears in the list in My Liceses]

    I don't see a license key in the install email? [just a serial number]

    Where is the license key???

    Keyless in Kleveland

    The email contains the serial number and the license key.  The serial number looks like BH-12345, and the license key looks like XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.