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Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Studio One 3, OS X to Windows 10 projects, plugin not found Reply To: Studio One 3, OS X to Windows 10 projects, plugin not found


Thanks for your response.


Yes I can instanciate a new Octavox plugin but all my preset are lost.

On attached file :

1 – Octavox => Not found

4 – Ocavox => New plugin instance


“Scan at Startup” is checked by default, and I also tried to reset blacklist & restart Studio One.


I’m going to test with an empty project :

– Project created on OS X with just one track and Octavox plugin instaciate on OS X, after I try to open it on windows ;

– Project created on Windows with just one track and Octavox plugin instanciate on Windows, after I try to open it on OS X.


I’ll be right back.


TLongabaugh wrote:

Hi David-

Sorry to hear that you are having problems with Studio One.

Are you able to successfully instantiate a new Octavox plug-in on your Windows version of Studio One? Is the issue only with this particular session pulled across from OSX?

You could also try the following steps:

1. Open Studio One on Windows, go to your VST preferences, and make sure “Scan at Startup” is checked.

2. Also click “Reset Blacklist” in the VST preferences, and then restart Studio One and open your session.


Let me know!

