- Eventide Audio

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Choppy: moog ep-3 -> H9 -> xmit cc #14 (xmit ch. #4) -> boss es-8 (rcv ch#4) -> assign cc#14 : exp 2 out -> moog mf drive Reply To: Choppy: moog ep-3 -> H9 -> xmit cc #14 (xmit ch. #4) -> boss es-8 (rcv ch#4) -> assign cc#14 : exp 2 out -> moog mf drive


Yes there is a MIDI monitor in the ES8 editor. I will take a look when I get home. I’m not sure how I would evaluate how continuous the incoming signal is. I am tempted to say the jumpiness is also apparent in the H9 control app’s view of the ribbon that tracks the hot knob/expression.