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Home Forums Products Stompboxes Max For Live H9 Remote plugin released – supports automation of H9 using CC Reply To: Max For Live H9 Remote plugin released – supports automation of H9 using CC

Eventide Staff
    nubirth wrote:

    …with Push 2 and the H9 remote are you able to apply effects per channel live from Push, and is there some manual/tutorial to learn more about that?

    H9 Control is simply a software controller for H9, not a plug-in. There is no audio flowing through it. Since you’re new to H9, I recommend the H9 Tutorials on Eventide’s YouTube channel.


    So in a live setting if I wanted to apply multiple effects from H9 to separate tracks at once, what would be the configuration for the audio signal so I can get my head round limitations and outboard gear needed. Would the processed signal only need one in and out for multiple tracks? – 20 years away from producing, rusty!

    To start, the H9 can only process a stereo signal with one algorithm at a time. Secondly, unless you’re routing audio out of your DAW and into the H9, and then back into you DAW on an audio interface, there’s no way to do it via software. You may be interested in the H9 Plug-in bundle, if you want multiple Eventide effects simultaneously available in Ableton. They are fully mappable and controllable with your Push 2.