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Home Forums Products Rackmount Cannot get emote to connect Reply To: Cannot get emote to connect

Eventide Staff

Thanks for providing that information. 

Are you still having a connection issue? Or was the connection issue only happening with the WiFi dongle and is now solved since you are using ethernet? 

The update list will sometimes not show up immediately on a unit when it has been switched from a direct ethernet connection to a networked connection. Restarting the H9k after changing the network settings will usually fix this and allow you see updates. From now on, you won't need an internet connection to the H9k itself and you will be able to update via a direct ethernet connection from the computer using Emote. 

If you are having connection issues only when using the WiFi dongle or ethernet from the router, the easiest solution would be a direct ethernet connection since every network configuration is different and they can be difficult to troubleshoot. 

Let me know if I can help with anything else.