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Home Forums Products Rackmount H3000 D/SE – Fixing the Photoresistor Reply To: H3000 D/SE – Fixing the Photoresistor

    dubmo wrote:

    Hi all,

    after my Jogwheel goes mad on my H3000 D/SE i ordered a replacement Photo resistor. While disassembling the unit, there is a a double joint soldering on the old photoresistor. I`m unsure if this is intended and if i have to connect those joints together again, or is this a assembly flaw…

    Does anyone can confirm that these have to be soldered like this?


    Wrong forum, but regardless they don’t seem to offer support for H3000 anymore, except for a few authorized repair guys. See the list. 

    Not an H3000 expert myself but this old tech note may help you:

    “Fixing the H3000 knob (optical encoder)”
