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Home Forums Products Eurorack Modules Eventide Device Manager: not finding connected MISHA(s) Reply To: Eventide Device Manager: not finding connected MISHA(s)


    MISHA 1 “About” info:

    • Version: 1.00.04
    • Build: 22091201
    • Boot Ver: 3.02
    • Ser#: MI-***90
    • Board Rev: 8

    MISHA 2 “About” info:

    • Version: 1.00.00
    • Build: 22062403
    • Boot Ver: 3.00
    • Ser#: MI-***93
    • Board Rev: 8

    EDM on Windows 10 and Windows 7 not seeing either MISHA. (tested multiple USB cables and ports)

    EDM on Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6 EDM successfully updated MISHA 1 to firmware 1.00.004 on 12/20/2022 – but now EDM will not find either MISHA connected to Mac(?!) Worked a month ago.

    Was there an update to EDM since 12/20/22? Can I try an older version?

    I assume there may be future firmware updates for MISHA, so would like to figure this out so I can stay up to date. Frustrating the EDM on the Mac worked, but no longer does. Oh computers!

    Thanks again. Sorry for the headaches and “mystery”.