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Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 Control: Bulk import of H9 presets + renaming lists + crash Reply To: H90 Control: Bulk import of H9 presets + renaming lists + crash

Eventide Staff


1. You can import your H9 Preset lists by selecting the “Import List” option in the bottom left corner of H90 Control. You will need to select “Import H9 List”. Once you have done that, a new list will be created in H90 Control that included all of the Presets as new Programs with a THRU algorithm in the 2nd preset slot.

2. There is a pencil icon in the bottom left of H90 Control that allows you to rename a list. You can also create new lists and copy or move Programs as needed.

3. I’m not sure what the issue you had with H90 Crashing is. If there is no H90 connected, it should just show the home screen with no devices connected. H90 Control works in a fundamentally different way than H9 Control, and it is not possible for us to have a demo mode that allow for editing content without the H90 connected. Sorry for the inconvenience.