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Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 Locked on start after 1.7.1, Recovery Mode = Cool Reply To: H90 Locked on start after 1.7.1, Recovery Mode = Cool

Eventide Staff

    Hi there-

    Sorry to hear you’re having issues.  It sounds like something is going wrong during the software update process – with the pedal booted into Recovery Mode, you should see a mass storage drive called “H90 Pedal” appear on your Mac.  Try removing whatever files are on there, emptying your computer’s trash, and then re-try the Recovery Mode software installation.  Also be sure that you’ve enabled permission to access removable volumes from H90 Control in your security settings on the Mac (System Settings > Privacy & Security > Files and Folders > H90 Control > Removable Volumes).  Let me know if that helps.