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    Out of curiosity – Does this MIDI Guitar software you are using convert 10 channels of audio to MIDI or are you using two copies of the same app (each one with 6 string support)?

    Previously I had suggeted that you might look into the Cycfi line of multichannel pickups as they can be configured to support a wide variety of string counts and spacings.  I do note, though, that they are 10mm wide.  So if you had 8mm string spacing that you are trying to deal with, even with a Cycfi system, you would need to stagger the pickups so that you could achieve the string spacing you need.    The Cycfi breakout box could absolutely supply you with 10 independant string outputs, though.  And they would be at the right level to run into/through your H9000.

    It sounds like you are planning to simply use your H9000 as an audio interface here – running the 10 string signals directly into the computer where you are going to use a computer based app to convert from pitch to MIDI.  Is that right?  Where would/might the H9000 processing come into play here… or should I not even consider it as you are just trying to use the hardware you have on hand as a multichannel A/D?   Might you consider a simple 16 channel auido interface just for this purpose?  Or utilizing two external pitch to midi converters (roland GR series perhaps?) and runnign each of your GK3B into one of those?

    To be frank – The H9000 seems like massive overkill and not quite the right tool for the job if you are doing pitch to midi conversion and really just want a 10 channel A/D for pitch to MIDI.    There must be more to this picture.

    Interesting issue and I’m happy to continue to share my thoughts..  Hopefully they are at least somewhat helpful.

    As an aside – have you seen this project?  https://paglieresteelguitars.com/. It’s a proper pedal steel, but the string bending is digital.   It’s using an embedded processor to do the pitch shifting… but I know for sure that the H9000 can (and does) do this really well.   I have a 6 string version of a “pedal steel” bending program for the H9K that I use on my normal guitar a lot and I love it.  I’m a crappy player, but it’s a lot of fun.   I’m positive someone who could really play pedal steel would really be able to make a digital bending system sing well!