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Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 – delay tap tempo artifacts Reply To: H90 – delay tap tempo artifacts


    For extreme ‘pitch bending’ effects, the new Sticky Tape algorithm can’t be beat.  A very little goes a long way.  The same advice above applies here: minimize W&F, drive, compression to taste …  Set the Tape Speed at 30 ips.  The maximum delay time, though, will only approach slapback territory.

    For longer delays – if you have both Presets available – I would pair Sticky Tape with any other delay algo.  In Series, and try routing them in either order.  Both algorithms with Mix at 100%, and fold in your dry signal at the Program Mix level.  You’ll have separate control over the pitch-bending aspect, and you can imprint that over any delay (or pitch algo with delay) that you choose.