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Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 Brand New will not connect Reply To: H90 Brand New will not connect

Eventide Staff

    Hello Leoisneo,

    The H90 can only be updated by connecting via USB directly to the computer. Do not use any external USB hubs. Firmware is not updatable via Bluetooth. That said, Bluetooth capability is only available as of firmware version 1.7.5, so this is the reason you don’t see it in the System menu on your version presently. I recommend you subscribe to this forum thread to get the latest information on firmware versions in the future: https://www.eventideaudio.com/forums/topic/h90-software-latest-2/

    This is the same thing but for H90 Control versions: https://www.eventideaudio.com/forums/topic/h90-control-latest/

    Have you followed the update instructions as outlined in the manual? https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.8.6/content/update.html
    Have registered your H90 and downloaded the latest version of H90 Control?
    Have you attempted to connect directly to your computer via USB to update firmware?