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Eventide Staff


not sure what to make of the presets button… doesn’t seem to respond, with what i assume would go into preset mode…

When you press the Presets LED button, use the black encoder to scroll through the presets in memory. As you land on one, it automatically loads. The presets button should function as described in this short video:


but i hold the right footswitch for a couple seconds, can then scroll the presets etc. but cant really tell how that button should work…

The H9’s right footswitch has two modes: Preset search mode or Tap tempo mode. You switch between them by holding the right foot switch down for two or more seconds. You know you’re in tap tempo mode if the right footswitch LED is blinking. Otherwise, in preset search mode, each consecutive press of the right footswitch which will increment the preset number. When you land on a preset you want to load, press the left foot switch to activate.


Go into the system menu etc, now heres where the preset button seems to be essential, because it will take you back out of a menu, but im pressing it and it doesnt seem to do anything? in fact i cant tell any other way to go back out of menu levels once you go into them now…

When in the System Menu, use the big encoder to scroll through categories. Press it to jump into a category like MIDI or Utilities. To jump out one level, press the Presets button. If you’re already at the top level of the menu, consecutive presses of the Presets button won’t do anything. This video demonstrates it’s functionality in the System menu: https://youtu.be/OiAkgc_44Yw